Verschiedenste Organisationen rund um den biologischen Landbau haben sich mit Nanotechnologie befasst und Grundsätze verabschiedet. Die IFOAM als weltweite Bio-Dachorganisation hat nun versucht, eine gemeinsame Stellungnahme zu formulieren:

IFOAM Publishes Official Position on the Use of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials in Organic Agriculture

In 2010 and 2011, IFOAM has developed, in consultation with its membership, a position on the use of nanotechnology in organic agriculture. The final position was approved by the IFOAM World Board in April 2011. This position is a natural development after many of IFOAM's members had already formed and sometimes published their own position, rejecting the use of nanotechnology in organic agriculture. The official IFOAM position now synthetizes these positions and provides a uniform standpoint for the organic movement to exclude the deliberate use of nanotechnology and nanomaterials from the organic method. The official position paper can be downloaded

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